Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Step at a Time

I tend to look at today as if it was the future.

By that I mean that I constantly tend to measure myself today with who I wish I was in the future. One problem with this approach is that I never get satisfied with what I have now. Then tell myself, "I should do something about it! I'm so behind" which, as you might imagine, creates in me a constant state of urgency.

I end up constantly thinking that I should be doing else, something more... and I do. But by so doing, I have less focus on the things I should be doing well today.

Finding a healthy balance in life can be somewhat difficult. How much time do you dedicate to studying, to taking care of the house, to eating healthy, to exercising, to relaxing, to trying to get ahead and learn more things...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Optimism vs Pessimism

My second biochemistry midterm of the summer is coming and I've been finding many ways to procrastinate studying ... ;-)

In the midst of all that procrastination, I was wondering why is it that I am not able to enjoy my biochemistry classes as much as I wish I did. I rationalized that it's because I do not see the purpose of that class since I am not planning on using that knowledge at all in the future. I thought to myself, "when I was younger I didn't care whether something was useful or not. If I was told to do it, I just did it. But I've grown to be less and less patient with doing things that I find to be 'useless' regarding my future." So basically I was thinking that as I grew up I've trimmed out the uselessness away from my life; whereas, when I was young I just did things because I liked them or found an interest in them.

But then, somehow, it hit me that my "rationality" might just be the voice of my pessimism.

Indeed I realized that an optimistic person might have "rationalized" the same situation very differently. Had I been more optimistic, I might have rationalized my taking biochemistry as a way to understand more about the wonders of the body so that, even though I might not use it in my work, I might be able to use my knowledge to explain things to my (future) kids. I know for sure that being able to answer all my kids questions about the human body will please me greatly!

Why am I talking about Optimism vs. Pessimism? Because recently I've been reading a book by the 'father' of modern theory on "learned helplessness" and "optimism", Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin E.P. Seligman.

I was reading this book out of personal interest since we studied some of his theories in class. Anyway, I always thought that I was a fairly optimistic person. I knew I was far from being the most optimistic person, but nevertheless a pretty optimistic one. You can imagine how profoundly surprised I was when after doing the psychological test he describes (these test are widely accepted in the psychology community, and regularly used as evaluation tools by clinical psychologists) I found out that I was in the Severly Pessimistic category! I couldn't believe the results of the tests! I still think that I am not that much of a pessimistic person, and the discrepancy with what I feel and the results might be due to different cultural values. However, instead of going into obvious denial I decided that I might have something to learn, and to gain, from adopting new, more optimistic habits.

If optimism (or it's contrary learned-helplessness and depression) are topics that interest you, I recommend you read this book. It is very interesting and written by someone that has had considerable influence in this field of psychological research.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthquake in Japan


Last Friday there was a terrible earthquake in Japan.
I have friends that I haven't be able to contact yet, and I hope everyone is safe.

I would like to send a prayer to them and everyone who is in need of help.