Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MCAT self-study

In a previous post I wrote that one of my goals for this year was to study for the MCAT. For monetary reasons, I plan to self-study for the MCAT.

The following is the main tool I plan to use for this purpose:

I found a really useful website for people like me who want to study on their own for a minimum price: Wikipremed.

Wikipremed is completely free and open to all. It contains video tutorials, a step-by-step "module" approach, and practice problems meant to guide you through every step of your review.

Studying for the MCAT alone can seem like a daunting task. "Where do I start?" "What books should I use?" "What is the best timetable to review everything?".
Using a system like wikipremed can help you save time (from making the schedule yourself) and energy (you don't have to worry about whether or not you are on the right track, ...)

The video tutorials are meant to not only offer a basic review of the important concepts for the MCAT, but they also try to connect the different concepts (physics, chemistry, ...) together.

The "homework" consists of word puzzles, practice problems, and practice problem from the Examkrackers series.

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