Yesterday my mom sent me an article in French about the health benefits of bananas. I didn't know bananas could be that healthy!
Here are some health benefits of bananas:
1. For Students
First and foremost, what interests me as a student relates to having good grades. A study was done in England on 200 students who had to eat bananas for breakfast, lunch, and as a snack. Apparently, the grade average improved, and the research argues that the potassium contained in the bananas could be the explanation. Potassium improves concentration and alertness. (I tried to find the study, but wasn't able too...)
2. Bowel Movement
This part actually surprised me a lot. I grew up being taught that bananas can really make you constipated. So when I read about the students who had to eat at least 3 bananas a day, I was really worried about their bowel movements.
Well, it seems that contrary to what I had been taught, bananas actually promote smooth bowel movements!
After further research on the internet I found that bananas are very often used as a mild laxative.
(An Indian suspect in India was enven forced to eat 50 bananas as a laxative. See this article from BBC).
3. General Health
Potassium in bananas also help with muscle growth and lowers blood pressure, vitamin B6 regulates blood glucose levels, and iron contributes to a good anemic number.
4. Mental Health
Bananas have been shown to reduce depression symptoms as well as seasonal disorders.
With so many health and mental benefits, I think that eating bananas is sure way to stay healthy could be the highlight of the day for anyone on a diet :-)
PS: Never put the bananas in the refrigerator!
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